Viva La Visa

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Get ready to leave (or not leave) Europe on the 31st October

Sorry to mention the ‘B’ word, but with another Brexit deadline looming (yet again) new rules will apply when it comes to using your UK Passport when travelling to most European countries. Which means you may need to renew your passport.

Will my passport be valid for travel to Europe after Brexit? 

You will need to have at least 6 months left on your passport if you plan on travelling to most countries in Europe (this doesn’t include Ireland).

While any passports issued after 5th April no longer have ‘European Union’ on the cover, if your Passport still does, it doesn’t matter. You can still use it after/when/if we leave the European Union providing it has at least 6 months validity left on it.    

Check to see if you need to renew your passport before Brexit here.

Alternatively, if you have any worries or questions get in touch.