Exciting news – We are going to Sound City!  

Should I stay or should I go…?

Viva la Visa is going to be at Liverpool’s Sound City next month, hosting a panel with the wonderful band Bears in Trees. We will discuss the trials and tribulations of visas, immigration and getting through customs, with input from the band to understand what it’s really like going on tour…


Our managing Director Andy Corrigan will be kicking off the weekend festival early, with a panel at 12:30pm on Friday the 29th of April. It’s a chance to ask him all those niggly visa questions and to begin to understand the changed touring landscape post-Brexit.


Here’s what’s on the agenda:

Recent years have seen big changes for travel within the music industry; Brexit and Covid have both made it seem like an impossible task for touring musicians to go back to playing international shows, but all is not lost.

There are three important things you must ask yourself if you plan to play abroad:
1. What’s needed for yourself/band/crew to move around, and work, legally?
2. What’s needed to move your equipment and merchandise around legally?
3. Which restrictions on transport could you run into?

Join Viva la Visa director Andy Corrigan and artist who has put together their own international tour as they explain how to navigate the dreaded world of visas and immigration.

Read more here: https://plus.soundcity.uk.com/panel/'should-i-stay-or-should-i-go'-is-it-worth-touring-with-brexit-and-cov

Now that festivals, gigs and conferences are back in the diary, we’d love to hear any suggestions about where we should head to next!

