What is ETIAS and do I need to pay to enter the EU?

So you’ve heard that you might need to start paying to enter the EU and what’s all this about ETIAS…? Don’t panic – we will explain everything.

What is an ETIAS and why do you need one? 

If you’re lucky enough to be able to enter the EU and Schengen areas without a Schengen Visa then you’ll know that travel to the area is relatively paperwork-free. As long as you don’t exceed your 90/180-day limit, and you have a valid passport, you can jump on a flight to Prague without a fuss!

Because the security checks on travellers without visas are much less stringent, ETIAS will be introduced to minimise the security risk to countries in the Schengen zone. Similar to the ESTA setup in the United States, ETIAS is an electronic background check which needs to be completed online before you travel.


When will I need to apply for one?

The new ETIAS regulations will become mandatory in 2023 so you have plenty of time. There will be a 6-month transition period prior to this during which we recommend you apply for your ETIAS. This is so that if you come up against any application issues, you will have ample time to resolve them before traveling.

 Which countries need an ETIAS to enter them? 

It will be mandatory for all countries in the Schengen area to require visa-free visitors to have an ETIAS, there are also some members of the EU outside of the Schengen Area who will require an ETIAS to enter. See a full list here.


Who will need one?

If you’re a 3rd country national (Anyone from outside the EU who doesn’t need a visa to enter) then you will probably need an ETIAS. There are currently 63 country’s with Visa-free status for the Schengen area and you can check your status online.

If you’re a British citizen then it’s a little unclear whether you will need to apply for one, Britain is still in post-Brexit talks and things may change. But we think that it looks likely that you will do!


What if you want to take a spontaneous trip?

If you’re a spontaneous traveller and you’re worried ETIAS will restrict you, you needn’t be concerned! Once you apply and are accepted your ETIAS status is valid for 3 years or until the date your passport expires (whichever comes first).

 So keep an eye on your expiry date and you’ll be fine. The application process takes about 10 minutes to complete and, judging by the current US system, it will give you a response within 96 hours (with the exception of a few cases).


How much will it cost me?

 For travellers under 18 it will be free, and for those between 18 – 70 it will cost a small fee of €7 – considering your ETIAS will last for 3 years this is a small price to pay.

So all things considered, although it’s another thing to remember to do before travelling its not a big deal! ETIAS has been considered by the EU for years and it’s not surprising that they have finally confirmed its introduction.

Although (from us to you), don’t be surprised if the 2023 deadline gets pushed back! Originally due to be introduced in 2021, the EU have been dragging their feet on getting ETIAS up and running. We also predict that many other countries will begin to follow suite and introduce similar background checks for visa-free entry. Watch this space…

If you have further questions, reach out to us on hello@vivalavisa.co.uk or call our office on +44 (0) 1473 892660